Duke Energy Collections on Your Credit Report? Fight Back and Win

Last Updated:
May 7, 2023

Duke Energy Collections is listed on your credit report, and you have no idea why. You might have checked your report just to make sure everything looks okay or because you’re planning to apply for credit to make a big purchase. Why is this company listed there as a collections company, and what can you do about it?

If this sounds like the situation you’re in, it’s common.

There are also countless people who receive phone calls from Duke Energy Collections that affect their daily lives, and they don’t know how to make them stop, in addition to feeling the effects of negative information on their credit report.

Solutions are available, and there are steps you can take to remove Duke Energy Collections from your credit report and stop any phone calls, letters, or other forms of communication.

What Is Duke Energy Collections?

This is part of the Duke Energy company that deals with delinquent accounts. Duke Energy is based in Charlotte, North Carolina, and they’re one of the biggest energy companies in the country.

Is Duke Energy Collections a Real Company?

Yes, as part of the Duke Energy company, the collections department of the business isn’t a scam, and they are legitimate. 

With that being said, the company has warned consumers about phishing emails sent out pretending to be with the company. Any time you receive an email about something related to a bill or financial information that you weren’t expecting, don’t click links, download anything or send personal information.

Verify with the company directly about the email, whether it’s about a debt you owe or something else.

Why Is Collections From Duke Energy Calling Me?

If you’re getting phone calls, the Duke Energy company believes you owe them a debt. They are trying to collect money from you to pay the debt, and if you’re facing this situation, contacting a consumer protection attorney as soon as possible can help prevent further difficulties. 

Who Does Duke Energy Collections Collect For?

This is a first-party collector, so they are trying to recover debts owed directly to Duke Energy for energy and utility services.

A lot of debt collection companies are third-party. Third-party collectors work with different companies on their behalf, or they buy their customers’ debt and then try to collect that, so the names are unfamiliar to consumers when they start hearing from them.

What Are My Rights?

If a big company like Duke Energy has reported something negative to a credit bureau about you, or they continue calling you or sending you letters, you might feel helpless and overwhelmed.

Consumers in the United States do have rights related to debt collectors, though.

By learning more about those rights, you’re empowered, and you can start to develop a strategy to work with an attorney to stop the calls and improve your credit score.

The two primary laws that deal with debt collectors are the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) and then the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA).

The FCRA focuses on how your credit information is reported and used, while the FDCPA protects you from harassment and intimidation from debt collectors.

If you owe Duke Energy and you feel like they aren’t being transparent with you, they’re trying to threaten you, or they’re purposely trying to contact you at inconvenient times, they are violating the FDCPA, and you should consider contacting an attorney. 

On the other hand, what can you do if you think there’s a mistake and you don’t actually owe Duke Energy Collections anything?

Disputing a Debt

Under the FCRA, when any debt collector or creditor contacts you, they’re required to provide you with specific information. They have to tell you what debt they’re trying to collect, with details on the original creditor and things like payments you made, your balance, and any interest or fees that are accrued. They also have to explicitly let you know what your rights are to dispute the debt.

Providing this information and being transparent isn’t just part of staying compliant with the law. You or your legal representative need access to this information to ensure that you really do owe a debt.

In one recent study, more than one-third of participants who were asked to review their own credit reports found errors. Sometimes, they found more than one.

These errors can include everything from names being mixed up to companies reporting the wrong information to credit bureaus like TransUnion, Equifax, and Experian.

It can also be the case that maybe at one point you did owe a debt, but it should have been removed because it’s settled, paid, or the statute of limitations has ended. For most debts, the statute of limitations is seven years, so after this time, the information should be removed from your report and no longer affect your score.

When you find an error or believe that Duke Energy Collections is wrong in contacting you or reporting certain information to a credit bureau, an FCRA attorney can contact them to begin the process of disputing the debt information. 

How Can I Remove This From My Credit Report?

While there are legal requirements for debt collectors as far as consumers disputing a debt, they aren’t always responsive, or they might not follow through. You could have gone through the right steps and still be affected by a collections account on your credit report. When you’re dealing with a debt collector, talking to them directly without an attorney can even make the situation worse. 

An FCRA attorney works on your behalf and manages all contact with the collection company, to ensure your rights are protected. Then, you don’t have to speak with the company during the dispute, and once the company conducts an investigation, the information can be corrected or deleted that they have on file and potentially reported to a credit bureau. 

Get a Case Consultation From Fair Credit

If you’re ready to move on from dealing with Duke Energy Collections, contact Fair Credit. Our FCRA attorneys offer free consultations and case reviews, so you can take the next steps.

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