HRRG Collections on Your Credit Report? Fight Back and Win

Last Updated:
April 14, 2023

Is Healthcare Revenue Recovery Group (HRRG) pestering you with phone calls? If so, you’re not alone. Persistent debt collectors can ruin your day and your credit score. 

Whether you actually owe the debt or not, you have rights as a consumer and don’t have to put up with incessant phone calls. You may also be wondering if HRRG is a legitimate company and how this debt may affect your credit score.

There are ways to get HRRG to leave you alone and get their debt reporting off your credit report. Keep reading to learn more about HRRG and how you can protect yourself and your credit rating.

What is HRRG and What Do They Do?

HRRG is a third-party debt collection company founded in 1996. Based in Sunrise, Florida, they collect debts from various healthcare enterprises, such as hospitals and doctor's offices. Like Enhanced Recovery Company and many of the other prominent Florida based debt collection companies, HRRG does not publicly disclose exactly who they collect for.

Healthcare Revenue Recovery Group attempts to collect debts on behalf of outside companies. They use methods such as incessant phone calls, text messages, and letters. In many instances, these are sent to people who don’t even know they owe a debt in the first place.

It is important to ensure you recognize the debt on your report, and verify it as collectible, before making any payments. Debt collection agencies are known for making errors and pursuing debts from the wrong person.

Is HRRG legit?

Yes, Healthcare Revenue Recovery Group is a legitimate company. They may seem illegitimate due to their spam-calling techniques, but this is a common practice for debt collection companies.

Although HRRG is a legitimate business, you shouldn’t jump the gun to pay them right away. Like most collection agencies, they have been known to make errors and misdirected collection efforts since their induction.

Consumer Complaints

HRRG claims to have a “do not call list” for customers who don’t wish to be contacted. 

However, they have an F rating on the Better Business Bureau, with 1.36 out of 5 stars. 

Common consumer complaints include inaccurate reporting of debts, asking consumers to provide proof they don’t owe the debt, and refusing to validate debts. 

They’re also notorious for going after fully paid-up accounts. Their staff is known for rude customer service and inadequate help with common questions and inquiries.

How Do I Know If I’m Being Scammed by HRRG?

Protecting your personal information is getting harder in this day and age. It’s understandable to be worried HRRG is a scam or that their calls are spam. However, they are a legitimate business and their communications should not be ignored. For your records and research, their current contact information is: 

Telltale Signs of Harassment from HRRG

Debt collection agencies have a stained history of violating consumer rights. Their collection tactics often cross the line of harassment, intimidation, and bullying. How can you tell if Healthcare Revenue Recovery Group is harassing you? If any of the following sounds familiar you may be enduring harassment from HRRG. 

  • Calling at inconvenient times - before 8 AM and after 9 PM
  • Contacting you multiple times per day
  • Incessant calls even after being placed on their Do Not Call list
  • They are contacting your family in an attempt to get in touch with you
  • HRRG asks you for your Social Security Number - this is illegal
  • They don’t supply you with proof of debt
  • They don’t identify themselves as debt collectors or who they are employed by 

What Does HRRG Collect for?

HRRG does not disclose who they collect for. Many debt collectors do not share who their clients are; this is common practice in their industry. However, we can discern that Healthcare Revenue Recovery Group collects for healthcare providers, most commonly a hospital or doctor’s office.

How to Remove HRRG from Credit Report: Slaying the Beast

Delinquent debts on your credit report can be detrimental to your credit score. These can sabotage your chances of securing a loan or receiving approval for other financial assistance in the future. Here are some helpful tips on how to get HRRG collections off your credit report.

Monitor Your Credit Score and Dispute any Errors

Monitor your credit score. The best indicators of credit health are your FICO credit score, and scores from the three major credit bureaus - Experian, Equifax, and TransUnion. You can request a free copy of your full credit report once per year. 

Once received, check for any purchases or items you don’t recognize on your credit report. Look for errors, misreporting, and debts you don’t recognize or recall incurring. Unfortunately, debt collection agencies often make mistakes in their reporting and collection efforts.

It is your right as a consumer to dispute and have any errors on your report fixed. Reach out to us today, and we can provide a free case review, and handle your dispute with the credit bureaus.

Consult the BBB - Better Business Bureau

The Better Business Bureau keeps track of legitimate businesses and gives them ratings. BBB is a reliable source to refer to about debt collection agencies such as HRRG. As of now, Healthcare Revenue Recovery Group is not accredited by the Better Business Bureau.

File a Cease and Desist Letter

You can file a cease and desist letter to HRRG. A cease and desist letter is a warning to a party to stop engaging in disruptive or obnoxious behavior, such as ruthlessly calling consumers. Cease and desist letters are not legal documents but they are the first step in filing a suit. An attorney can draft and serve cease and desists letters on your behalf if needed.

Work With an Experienced Legal Team

Consulting with a professional who is experienced in combating aggressive debt collectors is often the best route for unprepared consumers. Disputing debt collectors and dealing with their aggressive tactics can be overwhelming and stressful. If you are unsure of how to proceed or want to confirm if the debt is even valid, seek out help.

Connect with an FCRA Attorney Today

Even if you are armed with knowledge about a debt collector, it can be intimidating to face them head-on. Our attorneys are experienced and knowledgeable in debt collection.

If HRRG is attempting to collect a debt that you don’t recognize, or you know you owe them money but are unsure how to proceed, contact us today. We can give you a case review and consultation.

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