Phoenix Financial Services (PFS) on Your Credit Report? Fight Back and Win

Last Updated:
April 16, 2023

If you are being targeted by Phoenix Financial Services or another debt collection agency, you’re not alone. This process can feel extremely debilitating and stressful, but, it is manageable. Debt collectors are infamous for their aggressive and unprofessional methods of communication. Without the right support and resources, facing them can seem impossible.

Here’s everything consumers should know about Phoenix Financial Services and their debt collection practices. Revive your credit score and restore your financial freedom with these helpful tips. 

What is Phoenix Financial Services and What Do They Do?

Phoenix Financial Services (PFS) is a third-party debt collection agency based in Indianapolis, Indiana. Since 2014, PFS has targeted countless unwitting consumers who allegedly owe debt. In most cases, they purchase debt on behalf of creditors, businesses, or loan companies. When these companies have run out of the time and resources to handle debt collection on their own, they turn toward agencies like PFS. 

Is Phoenix Financial Services a Legitimate Company?

Although their communication styles may seem like a scam, Phoenix Financial Services is a real company. It is essential to note that you are not being scammed by PFS if they contact you. While it may be tempting, do not ignore their phone calls or neglect contact. This could cause more harm than good, hindering your credit score even further. 

Company Information

If Phoenix Financial Services has contacted you, you’re likely receiving multiple phone calls, perhaps from many different phone numbers. Although it’s not recommended to contact them yourself, having the business’s information is vital to your case.

Here is Phoenix Financial Service’s company and contact information:

Why is Phoenix Financial Services Calling Me?

Phoenix Financial Services may use several modes of communication to reach you. This may include unrelenting phone calls, threatening letters, text messages, or emails. If PFS is calling you, it’s because they suspect you of owing a large sum of debt to one of their clients. However, there is no need to resort to panic, worry, or fear. 

Debt collectors often misreport their cases and make errors. In many instances, the debt could mistakenly appear on your file for reasons such as: 

  • The debt was accrued via identity theft
  • The debt belongs to someone with a similar name
  • The debt was already paid but is still showing up on your report
  • The debt is appearing more than once, which is known as a duplicate file

Review your report closely for any discrepancies or errors. If you think you are seeing mistakes on your credit report, seek professional help from a debt collection attorney to correct these misprints. 

Signs of Collection Harassment

Any behavior or action deemed oppressive, abusive, demeaning, threatening, or violent falls under the label of debt collection harassment. As a consumer, you have rights that protect you against harassment from debt collectors. Be on the lookout for these behaviors when interacting with Phoenix Financial Services and other debt collection agencies: 

  • Collectors contact you multiple times a day, at your place of work, or during inopportune hours of the day (early morning or late evening)
  • You are being threatened with a lawsuit, arrest, or in some cases, violence
  • The collector fails to identify themselves upon contacting you
  • They fish for information like your social security number
  • They share information about your alleged debt with family members, friends, or colleagues 

If you’re experiencing any of these behaviors, you should seek help. Contact a trusted professional to review your experience with them and give you advice on ceasing their calls. 

What Does Phoenix Financial Services Collect For?

Phoenix Financial Services’ list of clients has not been publicly revealed. However, their website claims to collect for “outstanding medical obligations.” If you have unpaid medical bills this may be the source of their calls. However, Phoenix Financial Services is known for false claims. Therefore, any debt collection effort from them should be thoroughly researched before you make any payments. 

Will I Get Sued?

It’s highly unlikely you’ll get sued by PFS. However, anytime you are threatened with litigation you should consult with your own legal counsel. While it is unlikely PFS would pursue actual legal recourse against you, debt collection companies can be unpredictable.

How Will This Affect My Credit?

Inevitably, the appearance of PFS on your credit report will affect your credit score. This is even true if you pay off the debt in a moment of worry or panic. In many cases, the debt still remains on your report as “paid”, but your score does not improve. 

To effectively remove Phoenix Financial Services from your report, here are some steps you can take. 

Eliminate Phoenix Financial Services From Your Report

How do consumers face debt collectors like Phoenix Financial Services? And, is it possible to reclaim your credit and remove your debt? Yes, it’s possible! 

Review Your Report

If you’re confused or do not recognize the debt, be sure to review your credit report for inconsistencies and mistakes. You can request multiple copies of your report from the three major credit bureaus. If errors on your report are found you can dispute these and have them removed from your credit report. Contact Fair Credit - we can guide you through the process and manage disputes on your behalf. 

Find the Best Legal Help

If you’re facing a debt collection agency like the PFS, consider getting professional legal guidance. You are protected under the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA). An attorney can inform you of all your rights, review your case, and advise you on the next best step for your individual case. 

Reclaim Your Financial Wellness: Hire an FCRA Attorney

The attorneys at Fair Credit are committed to supporting their clients through the harrowing process of handling debt collection. We’ll carefully and consciously review your case and offer tailor-made solutions to reclaim your financial wellness. No matter where your credit stands, we’re to help. Contact us for your free case review today.

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