12 Credit One Bank NA on Your Credit Report? Fight Back and Win

Last Updated:
May 2, 2023

You're getting calls from someone who claims to be from 12 Credit One Bank, or maybe you checked your credit report to find them listed as a collections account. Even worse, your first introduction to 12 Credit One Bank might be when you apply for new credit, like a car loan, mortgage, or credit card. You're denied because of the effects of a collections account with 12 Credit One Bank.

What can you do in these situations? 

What Is 12 Credit One Bank NA?

12 Credit One Bank NA is a debt collection service. Debt collectors can work on a first- or third-party basis. A first-party debt collector, which 12 Credit Bank One is, means that the debt is being collected by the original creditor. A third-party debt collector is an independent company that's hired to collect for someone else. They might buy the debt, or the original creditor can contract them to collect on their behalf.

Is 12 Credit One Bank NA a Scam?

If you're getting communication from 12 Credit One Bank NA or see them on your credit report, they aren't a scam. This company is a legitimate debt collection service. 12 Credit One Bank NA collects for Credit One Bank NA. Credit One Bank NA is a credit card company.

The Credit One Bank NA company is also known just by the name Credit One Bank. They offer credit card products, often geared toward people with limited or poor credit. The company is headquartered in Las Vegas and was founded in 1984.

Credit One Bank is Better Business Bureau accredited, but according to the BBB, there are numerous complaints about billing and collections issues. For example, consumer complaints often center on Credit One Bank repeatedly charging customers without authorization, leading to late and unexplained fees. There are also allegations that Credit One Bank incorrectly sends information to the credit reporting agencies—Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion.

Why Is 12 Credit One Bank NA Calling Me?

If you're getting calls from this company, they're attempting to collect a debt. Under federal laws like the Fair Credit Reporting Act and the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, when someone is attempting to collect a debt, they are supposed to be transparent and let you know that, as well as what you owe. They also can't use harassment or threats or try to be deceptive or intimidating. 

If you believe 12 Credit One Bank is behaving in a way that's non-compliant with the FDCPA, you should speak to an attorney specializing in this area. 

Just because this company is calling you, contacting you, or has reported negative information to one or more of the credit bureaus doesn't mean the information is correct either.

12 Credit One Bank could be contacting you based on information that's inaccurate or fraudulent. Many people are surprised at how often mistakes and fraud affect their credit scores.

Reasons for errors include:

  • Mixed files

A credit bureau or company reporting to credit bureaus could confuse your name, Social Security number, or other personal information with someone else's. This often happens when you have similar names or other information that's similar.

  • Inaccurate information

It could be that a creditor like Credit One Bank provided wrong information to a credit bureau, and it's affecting your score. For example, maybe they reported a debt as charged off, but you actually paid it in full. They could report you made late payments when you didn't, or in the case of credit cards, you could be reported as an account debtor when you were just an authorized user.

  • Identity theft

Someone can use your name or other personal information to open accounts and then charge balances, and your credit history is affected.

  • Old information

Under the FCRA, information must be taken off your credit report after a certain period. This is the statute of limitations. It's usually seven years for most debt, but it can be ten years for chapter 7 bankruptcies. If information is still on your report that shouldn't be, or an old debt is being reported as new, it should be taken off your report.

Disputing a Debt with 12 Credit One Bank

If you believe that a debt is affecting you and shouldn't be, the first step you should take is to contact a Fair Credit Reporting Act consumer protection attorney. If you try to manage the situation with 12 Credit One Bank on your own, it can be time-consuming and may ultimately make the situation worse. 

Your rights, according to the FCRA, allow you to dispute inaccurate information, and it should then be removed from your credit history after an investigation, all of which can be initiated and managed by an FCRA attorney. 

Unfortunately, despite federal laws, a debt collection company might not respect your FCRA rights without working with an attorney. You might find that you can't get a response from the company, or they don't take information off after they say they will.

You might feel helpless if you think you’ve taken the steps to dispute a debt, and still you’re stuck dealing with something negative on your credit report that isn’t even yours or that you don’t owe.

Removing 12 Credit One Bank from Your Credit Report

It often takes legal action to get debt collectors to take the necessary steps to take something off your credit report that shouldn't be there to begin with. This is the unfortunate reality of dealing with these companies, which are often known to have numerous consumer complaints against them. It seems that debt collection companies try to make things like disputing a debt with them as difficult as possible. 

Get a Free Consultation from Fair Credit

The team at Fair Credit specializes in the Fair Credit Reporting Act. Our FCRA attorneys can go over your case for free and help you figure out the next best steps so you aren't living under a cloud of negative reporting from 12 Credit One Bank. Reach out today to learn more, so you can alleviate the stress you’re experiencing. 

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