Radius Global Solutions on Your Credit Report? Fight Back and Win

Last Updated:
April 11, 2023

Debt collection can be an intimidating experience, especially when Radius Global Solutions is the agency involved. Founded in 1982, Radius Global has built a reputation for aggressive tactics when pursuing payment. While this may be intimidating, understanding the legal and practical steps to take can help you prepare an effective defense against the debt collection agency.

Keep reading to learn everything you need to know about Radius Global Solutions, how you can fight the company in the event of a lawsuit and some steps you can take to improve any damage a collections account has caused to your credit.

What Does Radius Global Solutions Do?

As a third-party debt collector, Radius Global Solutions, either purchases existing debts from companies across a range of industries or is hired by these companies to collect on debts. Their tactics have come under scrutiny from consumers -- with the Better Business Bureau having received nearly 400 complaints in the last three years alone, while the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau has reported over 2,000 complaints against this agency in the last decade.

Is Radius Global Solutions a Legitimate Company?

Yes. Radius Global Solutions is a legitimate debt collection agency. If you've received any correspondence from this company, it's important not to dismiss it - it is not a scam.

Below is the contact information for Radius Global Solutions:

  • Phone Number: (888) 287-5711
  • Website: https://www.radiusgs.com/
  • Address: 7831 Glenroy Rd Suite 250, Minneapolis, MN 55439
  • BBB Rating: 1/5

While Radius Global Solutions is legally permitted to collect debts, it has earned a poor reputation. One of the most common complaints against Radius Global Solutions is that they report false information to credit bureaus. This can have a devastating effect on an individual's credit score, as well as their ability to get loans or make large purchases like a house or car. 

The company also often fails to verify debts that are sent out for collections, meaning consumers may be unknowingly paying off debts that will never actually appear on their credit report.

Why Am I Getting Phone Calls From Radius Global Solutions?

If you've received a call from Radius Global Solutions with regards to an outstanding debt that you don't believe is legitimate, it's possible that the information it has on your credit report is inaccurate. This could be due to a range of issues, including the following:

  • Debts you’ve already paid off

These debts may still appear on your credit report, but should be clearly marked as “Paid” or “Closed” to ensure accurate reporting.

  • Debts that aren’t yours

It is important to dispute any debts that you do not recognize as being yours, including those from retailers or lenders you have never had an account with. 

  • Accounts opened due to identity theft

If someone used your name and personal information to open accounts in your name without your knowledge, contact the lender immediately to close the account and dispute any fraudulent charges. 

  • Debts that are falsely reported as late or unpaid

If a debt has been reported incorrectly as late or unpaid when it has actually been paid or discharged in bankruptcy, you can dispute it with the credit bureaus.

If any of this applies to your situation, it may be beneficial to seek out a professional who specializes in credit repair and can effectively correct any errors contained within your report. An attorney can help you ascertain the accuracy of the information and make sure it is reported correctly by Radius Global Solutions. They may also be able to recover any charges which may have been accrued due to erroneous reports.

What Can I Do If I’m Being Harassed By Radius Global Solutions?

It is essential to know your rights when dealing with Radius Global Solutions and other debt collection agencies, as the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA) strictly outlines what these entities are allowed to do when attempting to collect a debt. The FDCPA comprehensively covers issues such as harassing behavior, meaning that any illegal practices used by collectors are prohibited.

The protections under federal law include, but are not limited to, restrictions on the following behaviors:

  • Using crude or disrespectful language
  • Threatening your safety or well-being
  • Calling between 9:00 PM and 8:00 AM
  • Excessive calling, e.g., more than once per day
  • Providing false or inaccurate information
  • Threatening criminal action if you fail to pay

If you believe Radius Global Solutions is violating your rights under the FDCPA, it is important to take action. Make sure you collect evidence of any harassment you face. If the debt collector continues to ignore your rights, it may be necessary to send them a cease-and-desist letter. If this does not stop the violations, you can file a complaint with either the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau or Federal Trade Commission.

Taking on a debt collector can be difficult and intimidating but rest assured that the legal protections in place to protect you from aggressive tactics, harassment or other inappropriate behavior by collecting agencies can be enforced in court. If you need additional help managing your debts then consulting a credit counseling service or an experienced FDCPA attorney may provide invaluable assistance.

Who Does Radius Global Solutions Services Collect For?

Radius Global Solutions collects debts for companies across a broad spectrum of industries - these include healthcare, telecommunications, retail, government agencies and more. If you've received a letter from this agency, chances are you owe money on a legitimate unpaid debt - however, there are steps you can take to get the account removed from your credit report, particularly if you feel an error has been made.

What Can I Do if Radius Global Solutions is Suing Me?

When you receive a court Summons from Radius Global Solutions, LLC, it is essential to take immediate action. Ignoring it and failing to answer the complaint may result in a default judgment against you, which can result in wage garnishment for debt collection. It is also important to note the time limit for responding to the Summons as this varies from one state to another.

To ensure that your rights are protected and that you do not incur any additional penalties or costs, we recommend taking the following steps when receiving a court summons:

  • First, you must respond to each allegation in separate paragraphs

This response should be done accurately and concisely in order to avoid any discrepancies or confusion on behalf of the court. By providing clear answers, you also demonstrate that you have taken the complaint seriously and are attempting to resolve the situation in an appropriate manner.

  • Second, assert your affirmative defenses

These are certain grounds on which you might be able to contest or challenge certain aspects of the lawsuit, such as evidence being inadequate or incorrect information being provided by the plaintiff. Make sure that these defenses are valid and relevant enough to make an impact on the outcome of your case.

  • Finally, file an Answer with the court and send a copy of it to Radius Global Solutions, LLC

This document should provide full details of your defense against their allegations as well as outline how you plan on resolving any debts owed in accordance with applicable laws. Remember that filing an Answer does not automatically guarantee success; however, it does indicate that you intend to pursue this matter until its resolution either through negotiation or trial proceedings.

Ultimately, by properly preparing your Answer and responding with accuracy and clarity, you can protect yourself from potential liabilities associated with debt collection actions taken by Radius Global Solutions, LLC.

Contact Us For Your Free Case Review

Whether Radius Global Solutions is attempting to collect a debt that’s not yours or you’re tired of being harassed, the attorneys at Fair Credit, LLC are here to help you take back control of your finances and credit score. Reach out to us today for your free case review.

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