Credit Control Llc on Your Credit Report? Fight Back and Win

Last Updated:
August 27, 2023

You checked your credit and were shocked to see negative information reported by a company called Credit Control LLC. What can you do? Maybe your situation is a little different, and you’re getting repeated phone calls from this company, leaving you wondering whether or not it’s a scam.

The following outlines what to know about Credit Control LLC, your rights, and the steps you should take to deal with this company and get them out of your life.

Is Credit Control LLC a Legitimate Company?

Credit Control LLC is a legitimate company and not a scam. They operate as a third-party debt collector. Credit Control LLC is based in Missouri. Having been in business since 1989, Credit Control LLC collects across a variety of industries but is never an original creditor.

An original creditor is a company consumers go to and open accounts or get loans or lines of credit from. Third-party debt collectors work on behalf of original creditors to collect unpaid money from consumers. A third-party debt collector has to follow certain laws, including the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act and the Fair Credit Reporting Act.

Who Does Credit Control LLC Collect For?

Credit Control LLC collects for six of the biggest financial institutions in the country. They also collect for other banks, credit unions, and telecom services providers. Credit Control LLC works for healthcare providers and colleges and universities too.

Why Is Credit Control LLC Calling Me?

If you’re getting calls from Credit Control LLC, or any other type of communication, it’s because an unpaid account has been placed with them for collection. Whether or not you owe the debt can become a question. Don’t assume you do, and don’t take any steps, including communicating directly with Credit Control LLC until you talk to a consumer protection attorney first.

Should I Pay Credit Control LLC?

If you’ve started getting calls from a debt collector, or they’re reporting negative information on your credit reports with one or more of the three major bureaus, you might think you should just pay them to end the situation. In reality, this is risky and not advisable.

First, you may not owe the debt. There are frequent errors in debt collecting related to payment dates, balance amounts, and even whose debt it actually is. There are mixups at every step in the debt collection process that could lead to you paying someone else’s debt, paying a debt that’s not valid anymore, or paying more than what you owe.

You should never pay a debt collector just to get them to stop calling you. Plus, even if you pay a debt collector, that doesn’t mean they’ll take the negative information off your credit report. Your score might continue to suffer, and that negative information can theoretically stay on your credit report until the statute of limitations expires.

Speaking of the statute of limitations, a collector can’t legally sue you for a debt if it expires. If you make a payment on a debt or even speak to Credit Control LLC without an attorney advising you, it could reset your statute of limitations.

There are situations where collections agencies will call consumers about debts, yet they have no way of showing they own that debt. If the collector can’t prove the debt is owed or that they own that debt, you may not have to pay them.

Again, because of how complex all this becomes, a consumer protection attorney can go over the specifics of your case and determine the best path forward.

Can Credit Control LLC Harass Me?

Debt collection agencies like Credit Control LLC are limited by the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act. Because of the FDCPA, a third-party debt collector can’t:

  • Use threats, harassment, or profanity when contacting you.
  • Share certain information about debt with people who aren’t you.
  • Continue to call you at work when you’ve told them to stop.
  • Call you more than a certain number of times in a week.
  • Call you back-to-back or try to annoy you intentionally.
  • Contact you before 8 a.m.
  • Call or text after 9 p.m.
  • Be deceptive or lie in an attempt to get money from you.

How Can I Get Credit Control LLC Off My Credit Report?

If you want to get Credit Control LLC off your credit report, along with your rights under the FDCPA, you also have rights under the Fair Credit Reporting Act. The FCRA stipulates the following:

  • Credit bureaus have to provide you with your report when you ask them to—you’re entitled to a free report from all three bureaus every year.
  • Access to your credit report has to be limited.
  • If an employer wants to check your credit report, they have to get your written consent first.
  • If you request it, a fraud or active duty military alert has to be added to your file.
  • When a consumer requests their credit score, it has to be provided, although they might be charged a fee.
  • If you’re denied credit for any reason, creditors and lenders have to tell you what information they used to make a decision and where they got it from.

As far as Credit Control LLC, the FCRA also gives you the right to dispute anything that you believe is inaccurate or incomplete in your credit file. Then, after a dispute is submitted, an investigation has to be completed. When the investigation finds that the information is, in fact, inaccurate or can’t be verified, it has to be removed from your credit report.

The FCRA also says that any negative information on your credit report generally has to be removed after seven years.

A consumer protection attorney can help you preserve your FCRA rights when dealing with Credit Control LLC and submit a dispute on your behalf if that’s the best option in your case. Then, you don’t have to be in contact with this company.

Contact Fair Credit Today

Fair Credit is a law firm specializing in the FCRA and consumer protection. We can help you deal with Credit Control LLC and get this company out of your life. Reach out today for a free case review.

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