EBI Background Check Errors? We Help You Fight Back

Last Updated:
May 2, 2023

EBI Background Check Errors? We Help You Fight Back

These days, when you apply for a job opportunity or major loan, you'll have to submit to a background check. Background checks normally go smoothly. But in some cases, dedicated background screening agencies like EBI can make major mistakes that can have long-lasting consequences for you and your job hunt.

If this happens to you, you need to know how to fight back with the assistance of specialized legal experts. Read on to learn more. 

What is EBI?

EBI or Employment Background Investigations, Inc. is a dedicated background screening company based in Maryland. It was originally founded in 1994 and now offers comprehensive employment background screening services for US and international companies.

Not only does EBI provide a package or standard spread of background screening services, but it also allows clients to put together custom lists of information to be checked on job candidates. EBI doesn’t limit the configurations of background checks that clients can choose from, and the screening software is fully configurable to clients’ specifications.

EBI checks for information like:

  • Criminal and terrorist background checks
  • Drug and health screening reports
  • Education and employment verification screenings
  • Motor vehicle record checks
  • Credit report checks
  • Reference and licensed checks
  • Social Security number tracing
  • International professional record checks

Furthermore, EBI is known for offering new hire and post-employment screening services. EBI performs identity and immigration status checks and verifications, alongside random drug testing, employee audits and monitoring services, and checks for risk and compliance.

What Are EBI Background Check Mistakes?

When EBI makes a background check, it means that it has replaced correct information with erroneous information or it has accidentally inserted erroneous information in some area. Some examples include:

  • Transposing a letter or number, such as replacing one letter of your Social Security number with another digit
  • Inserting incorrect or out-of-date information into your background check report, like a record of a criminal conviction that never occurred
  • Switching your identity with another person’s by accident, resulting in your entire background check information being inaccurate
  • Including the same negative information twice, like reporting the same bankruptcy filing twice in the same background check report

While some background check mistakes are more damaging than others, they need to be fixed at the earliest opportunity. That’s because any background check mistake can lead to long-lasting consequences for your job hunt and financial or housing prospects.

Reasons for Background Check Errors from EBI

EBI might make a background check error for one or more reasons, including:

  • Human error among one of its agents. For example, one of EBI’s background screening specialists might confuse your Social Security number with someone else’s, resulting in an inaccurate background screening report being compiled
  • Human error from you. For example, if you list your Social Security number incorrectly on a job application, you can’t necessarily fault EBI for compiling inaccurate background check information later on
  • Software glitches and other technical hurdles. EBI’s software might list negative line items twice or more, or it may transpose a number or some other keep it of personal information

Regardless of the reasons for a background check mistake, you should work on fixing them ASAP.

Major Effects of EBI Background Check Errors

If you notice one or more EBI background check errors on a background screening report, you need to correct the record as soon as you can to avoid seeing major negative consequences.

As an example, an EBI background check error might cause you to no longer qualify for an excellent house or apartment. Landlords often use background screening services to make sure that their tenants don't have any red flags, like histories of evictions. If you are subjected to a background screening mistake that causes a landlord to lose faith in you, you could lose out on housing opportunities.

The same goes for job opportunities. Most employers use companies like EBI to check for red flags among prospective job candidates. If your background check report returns with one or more mistakes, you might not be hired for a job you are qualified for, even if you are otherwise a fantastic fit for the company in question.

Then there are financial opportunities. Background check errors can limit the loans, lines of credit, and other financial offers you qualify for, even if your credit score is great. For instance, if your background check report says you went bankrupt two years ago, it could be difficult to qualify for a mortgage loan for a new house, even if all of your other ducks are in a row.

Given all these potential negative consequences, it’s a no-brainer to know how to fix EBI background check mistakes, especially with knowledgeable legal experts on your side. By fixing these mistakes, you can rest assured that the same errors will show up on future background check reports later on, even if you miss out on your initial opportunities or goals.

How to Fix EBI Background Check Mistakes

In the end, it doesn’t always matter why EBI made one or more background check mistakes. All that matters is that you correct those issues ASAP. Luckily, there’s a way to file a dispute with EBI.

Review Your Background Check Report

The first step in this process involves comprehensively reviewing your background check report. When you are denied employment or some other financial opportunity on the basis of your background check information, the employer or lender has to tell you that in an adverse action letter.

When you receive your adverse action letter, it will include a copy of the background check report received from EBI. Take this opportunity to look over every bit of information EBI scrounged up. If you already noticed one error, it’s possible that EBI made a mistake somewhere else.

As you locate errors, be sure to write them down, including their details and where they can be located in the report. The more information you can provide, the faster EBI will be able to identify that wrong information and fix it.

Contact Consumer Rights Attorneys

Next, it's a wise idea to contact consumer rights attorneys, like the legal representatives at Fair Credit. It's more than possible to file a background check dispute with EBI by yourself, but it’s not necessarily smart.

Legal experts such as Fair Credit have seen cases just like yours. That means they can provide legal counsel and advice based on similar situations. For instance, if they have helped other clients file disputes against EBI, they may know what to expect, what EBI responds most efficiently to, and so on.

In addition, consumer rights attorneys can help you draft an effective dispute letter. Your dispute letter is your primary tool against EBI and the basic way in which you will request a fix for inaccurate or out-of-date information. The better your letter is, the more likely it is that your entire ordeal will have an optimal resolution.

Bottom line: consider contacting attorneys right away instead of going it alone.

File a Dispute with EBI

Now it's time to formally file a background check dispute with EBI. Like most background screening agencies, EBI allows you to do this in two ways: online or using physical mail. It’s generally best to file your dispute online as it means EBI will receive your background check information and dispute request that much more quickly.

In your dispute letter, be sure to include all relevant information, including:

  • Your contact information
  • The reference or identification numbers for the background screening report
  • The details of the inaccurate or out-of-date information so EBI can locate it quickly
  • A formal request that EBI fix the inaccurate information and alert any other involved parties about the mistake

Under the terms of the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA), EBI has 30 business days to investigate concerns about inaccurate information after receiving your dispute request. In the majority of cases, background screening agencies like EBI fix inaccurate information as soon as they are made aware of it.

Consider Further Legal Actions

What if the worst happens and EBI decides not to correct inaccurate information or not conduct an investigation at all? In such circumstances, you’ll have grounds to file a successful lawsuit against EBI if you so choose.

At this stage, you should consult with your consumer rights attorneys. Depending on the evidence you have and other details of your case, they may or may not recommend filing a formal lawsuit or pursuing arbitration or mediation. In any case, your legal experts can help you determine the best path going forward for your finances, family, and professional needs.

Contact Us for a Free Consultation

Ultimately, background screening agencies like EBI should be held accountable when they make mistakes, like adding incorrect information to your background check report. If this has happened to you, there’s no reason not to contact Fair Credit today.

Our knowledgeable attorneys can break down the legal process for you, help you draft a dispute letter, and provide much more assistance. Contact us for a free consultation and more information.

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