National Credit Management on Your Credit Report? Fight Back and Win

Last Updated:
September 17, 2023

You’ve just checked your credit and are shocked to see an unfamiliar name there—National Credit Management. It’s also possible that you’re getting calls from this company, and along with wondering why, you want them to stop.

Solutions are available, and you can take steps to get National Credit Management off your credit report, moving forward financially with peace of mind.

What Is National Credit Management?

National Credit Management is a third-party debt collector. National Credit Management is also known as NCM, and the offices for the company are based in St. Louis.

A third-party debt collector isn’t an original creditor, which is why you aren’t familiar with the name. Third-party debt collectors like National Credit Management are hired by other companies to collect for them, usually, after a payment hasn’t been made for at least several months.

Third-party debt collectors are guided by federal laws that limit what they can and can’t do in the process of trying to collect from consumers.

Is National Credit Management a Real Company?

National Credit Management isn’t a scam. It’s a legitimate company, but that doesn’t mean the debt they’re contacting you about is accurate. 

National Credit Management has accreditation with the Better Business Bureau, but there are a number of complaints against the company. Many complaints focus on the fact that consumers say their student loan debt was paid in full, yet they continue to get calls from National Credit Management and see them listed on their credit reports.

There are also complaints from consumers who say they were identity theft victims, and despite informing National Credit Management of this, the collection agency continued calling them to try and collect invalid debts.

Who Does National Credit Management Collect For?

This company collects primarily in the education industry, such as for student loans.

Why Is National Credit Management Calling Me?

If National Credit Management is calling you, they believe you owe a debt. If you haven’t done so yet, it’s a good idea to check your credit report any time you get calls from a debt collector to see what’s listed there.

You actually have three credit reports, one with each of the main bureaus. These main bureaus are Equifax, Transunion, and Experian. If you hear from a debt collector, check all three because the reported information isn’t always the same.

Never assume that just because you’re getting calls from National Credit Management, you legitimately owe a debt because there are frequent mistakes. For example, debt collectors might get the wrong information from an original creditor. They also have to do their own research to fill in the gaps and figure out who they’re supposed to be calling in many cases, so you might be getting phone calls meant for someone else.

How to Get National Credit Management Off Your Credit Report

If you check your credit and National Credit Management is listed there, it’s going to be a collections account. An original creditor might be on there, too, that charged the debt off and sent it to National Credit Management. If so, you’re being hit twice, and your score is likely going to decline quite a bit.

A collections account can be reported to one or more credit bureaus when the debt collector acquires it, or they might not report it at all.

If you have a debt that ends up in collections, it can sometimes drop your score by as much as 100 points. The higher your score initially, the more impact a collections account might have.  

If you believe you owe the debt, you can wait for seven years when it should be removed from your credit report, but you’re likely to experience difficulties opening new accounts during this time, and you’ll pay higher interest rates.

Even when you think a debt is legitimate, it’s a good idea to speak to a consumer protection attorney before you do anything else, including paying it.

If there’s a mistake, then this can require a different approach. You might believe you never owed the debt at all, you already paid it, or that certain parts of the debt are inaccurate.

Under the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA), you have the right to dispute anything you feel is wrong or inaccurate, and then the company receiving the dispute should remove that information. While this is your right, debt collectors don’t always make it easy.

For example, they might tell you they don’t agree with your dispute or might not be responsive at all. A debt collector could tell you they’re going to remove the wrong information, but when you check your credit report, it’s still there. There are also scenarios where removed information gets reinserted.

The best way to get the attention of debt collection agencies and manage the dispute process efficiently and effectively is by working with an FCRA attorney.

National Credit Management and the FDCPA

The Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, or FDCPA, is another important federal law. This one specifically describes what a third-party debt collector can and can’t do. As a consumer, you are protected against predatory practices, like late-night phone calls, using harassment, or pursuing you for debts you don’t owe.

A debt collector is prevented from contacting you at work if you tell them not to, and if you have an attorney, they have to communicate only through them. A collection agency can’t communicate with third parties about your debt, like your employer.

If you request no contact, debt collectors have to stop reaching out to you.

That doesn’t mean your debt is gone if you ask a collector to cease contact, and they can still take legal action, but at least you aren’t being bombarded by phone calls in the meantime.

Get a Case Review For Free

Despite federal laws meant to protect consumers, dealing with debt collectors is notoriously difficult. Even disputing something you genuinely don’t owe becomes challenging and overwhelming for most consumers. To protect your rights and make sure you get National Credit Management off your credit report, reach out to Fair Credit. Our team of FCRA attorneys offers free case reviews, and we can help you move forward. You could even be entitled to compensation.

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