Background checks are part and parcel of most job hunts these days, and for good reason. The last thing employers want to have to deal with is accidentally hiring someone with a major red flag in their past, like a criminal history. However, even the best background check agencies can make mistakes, compromising the job opportunities of those without red flags.
If you’ve discovered that your SentryLink background check has one or more errors, you can fight back with the assistance of knowledgeable consumer rights attorneys. Read on to learn more.
SentryLink is a Greenbelt, Maryland screening company originally founded in 2001. It offers dedicated employment background screening services to companies of all different sizes, in addition to tenant screening services for landlords and property owners.
It offers in-depth information and relatively low prices, with generally 24-hour turnaround times for all requested background checks. It offers screening services for the following information categories:
SentryLink may occasionally make background check errors in any of the above categories. For example, when you look at your background check report, you might notice errors like:
In any case, you should correct SentryLink background check mistakes as soon as you can. It doesn’t matter what mistakes you locate; any incorrect information can compromise a job offer, make a landlord rescind a housing offer, or affect financial opportunities and prospects later down the road.
SentryLink makes background check mistakes from time to time for the same reasons as all other background screening agencies: a combination of human error and software glitches.
For instance, one of SentryLink’s screening agency might accidentally list the wrong information, list the same line item twice, or confuse your identity with someone else’s. All of this can happen for no particular reason or some combination of factors, like inattention, laziness, etc.
Don’t forget that you can also accidentally provide SentryLink with the wrong background information by listing your Social Security number incorrectly or making some other mistake when filling out a job or apartment application.
On top of that, SentryLink’s screening software can make mistakes from time to time. It might glitch out and transpose an important number, for example, or list negative line items twice or more.
Whenever SentryLink makes a background check error, you might experience one or several negative consequences across your life.
For example, just one background check mistake from SentryLink could cause you to miss out on a job opportunity, even if the interview went well and you are otherwise qualified for the position. This is doubly true for background check errors that display negative inaccurate information, like records of criminal convictions that never happened.
Similarly, you could not qualify for excellent loans, lines of credit, and other financial opportunities if the background check mistakes on your report relate to your creditworthiness. For instance, if there's a record of a bankruptcy that never happened, or if there's a record of an open debt that you previously paid off, a loan officer may decide not to underwrite a loan for you, even if you meet any other qualifications or you have a good credit score.
By the same token, landlords frequently use background screening services like SentryLink to determine whether a prospective tenant is a good choice. If your background check has negative errors or incorrect information, the landlord may decide not to let you live on their property, forcing you to continue searching for a suitable apartment or house.
All of these consequences can be devastating, but background check errors can also stick around for a long time to come. You might see the same errors show up on further background check reports for other employers or landlords.
Because of this, you need to know how to fix SentryLink background check mistakes ASAP. Once you fix those errors, they shouldn't occur again, at least in the short term future.
As you can see, it’s possible for SentryLink to make many different types of errors with your background check. If you notice at least one error, be sure to go through the below process to resolve the issue quickly and effectively.
First, don't just notice one error, then start the dispute process. Instead, review your background check report from start to finish and look for other issues, too.
You should have received a copy of your background check report via an adverse action letter: an official document that an employer, lender, or other organization has to give you if they make an adverse decision based on your background check information. For instance, if you are denied a job because of alleged criminal convictions, the prospective employer has to send you an adverse action letter breaking that down.
Look through all the details of your background check report before moving on. Make a note of any errors or out-of-date information, including where they are on the background check report, so you can repeat that information later on.
Next, you should contact the best consumer rights attorneys in your area. Knowledgeable consumer rights lawyers can provide lots of different assistance for your case, including:
It’s possible to file a dispute against SentryLink by yourself, but you'll have a much better time and have a greater likelihood of seeing a successful outcome with Fair Credit on your side.
Now you need to file a dispute with SentryLink officially. You can do this by physical mail or online; the latter option is always better since it means your dispute process will begin more quickly.
Under the terms of the Fair Credit Reporting Act, any background check agency like SentryLink has 30 business days after receiving a dispute request to investigate the matter. If SentryLink detects any inaccurate information per your dispute letter, it has to fix it ASAP.
Be sure to include the specifics about the background check mistakes or out-of-date information you detected in your dispute letter. That way, SentryLink’s agents can quickly find the erroneous information and make fixes without having to take additional time or get back to you for additional clarification.
In the majority of cases, background check companies do correct inaccurate information when it is brought to their attention. But what if the worst comes to pass and SentryLink doesn’t perform an investigation or fix erroneous info?
You should consult with your attorneys, but it’s likely you’ll have grounds for a successful lawsuit. If your lawsuit is successful, you could recover up to $1000 in damages per violation of your consumer rights under the FCRA.
Note that your attorneys may also recommend different legal resolutions, like arbitration or mediation. Every case is different, so be sure to keep their expert counsel and advice. If your attorneys think that you don't have enough evidence for a successful lawsuit, for example, arbitration might still be a way to give you what you need without dragging the issue out through the courts or taking additional time.
In the end, Fair Credit can help you fight back against SentryLink background check errors in more ways than one. Not only can we help you look over your background check report, but we will also assist when drafting an effective, speedy dispute letter. If SentryLink doesn’t do what’s right, you can count on us to help you file a lawsuit successfully.
There’s no reason to wait. Contact us today for a free case evaluation.
Don't let these companies get away with violating your rights and causing you financial & emotional distress.