Audit Systems (ASI) on Your Credit Report? Fight Back and Win

Last Updated:
May 22, 2023

A collections account listed on your credit report will create major financial hurdles for you. If you check your credit and see Audit Systems Inc. listed there, you will also likely see a decline in your credit score. When your credit score is too low, you might be denied if you apply for credit cards, personal loans, mortgages, or car loans.

If a company does give you credit, the lower your score, the higher your offered interest rate. Your current accounts can also be affected if something in collections is reported to TransUnion, Equifax, and Experian. For example, if you have a credit card, and that company reviews your credit and sees your score has gone down, they might lower your spending limit. 

So what can you do to get Audit Systems Inc. off your credit report and stop any phone calls you might be receiving from them? There are steps you can take and federal consumer protections that may apply to you.

What Is Audit Systems Inc?

Audit Systems Inc, also called ASI, is a debt collector. ASI works as a third-party debt collector, not an original lender or creditor. Other organizations hire the company to collect debts for them. The company is based in Largo, Florida.

Is Audit Systems Inc. a Scam?

Audit Systems Inc is a real financial services company, and they were founded in 1976. They're not a scam, so it's important to find out why you get calls from them or see them on your credit report.

Who Does Audit Systems Collect For?

As a third-party debt collector, Audit Systems Inc. doesn't buy debt. Instead, they're contracted by companies directly as an outsourced debt collection service. Audit Systems works across many industries, including medical practices and health care clinics. 

What Can I Do If Audit Systems Is Calling Me?

If you're getting calls from Audit Systems, even though the company isn't a scam, they may have the wrong information.

The process of something going into collections works like this:

  • A person gets credit from a company or receives a service that they're billed for.
  • After a period of not making payments, the account becomes delinquent.
  • The original company might try to collect the delinquent payments for a period, and then they work with a debt collector to try and recover some or all of what's owed.
  • The debt collector may report the information to one or more main credit bureaus as collections accounts.

While it's possible that Audit Systems is calling you because of a legitimate debt, it's also possible that some or all of their information is wrong.

If you think there’s incorrect information leading to calls or effects on your credit from Audit Systems Inc., a Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) attorney can help. 

Understanding Your Fair Credit Reporting Act Rights

The Fair Credit Reporting Act is an important piece of protection for consumers. You have the right to accuracy, fairness, and transparency when it comes to your financial and credit history and information. This includes how the information is reported to credit bureaus, like Experian, Transunion, and Equifax, and how the information is maintained and accessed. 

Rights available to everyone in the U.S. under the FCRA include:

  • You must be informed if information from your credit file is used against you. 
  • You have the right to know what’s in your file. 
  • It’s your right to ask for and receive your credit score. 
  • Everyone has the right to dispute wrong, inaccurate information. 
  • If information is wrong, incomplete, or can’t be verified, credit reporting agencies have to remove it. 
  • Outdated information can’t be reported.
  • Access to your credit file is limited, and employers must receive your express written permission to pull this information. 

Despite the guidelines of the FCRA, debt collection agencies aren’t always compliant. The first step when you start to hear from a company that says you owe money or see negative information on your credit report should be contacting a consumer protection attorney. 

How to Get Audit Systems Inc. Off Your Credit

Since it is your right to dispute information that’s wrong to remove Audit Systems Inc. from your credit, once you contact an FCRA attorney, they’ll review your case and then begin the dispute process on your behalf. 

Typically, a company has 30 days to do an investigation and remove anything found to be inaccurate from a consumer’s credit report. 

Reasons that information can be inaccurate include:

  • When people have similar names, their financial and credit information can become combined or mixed. 
  • Similar Social Security numbers can also lead to mix-ups. 
  • Old debts might be listed as new or re-aged, meaning the clock on the statute of limitations restarted. 
  • Payment dates might be reported incorrectly. 
  • Authorized users on an account could be reported as account holders. 
  • You could be an identity theft victim. 

The potential for wrong information to be reported by credit bureaus and to affect you financially is why it’s important to routinely check your reports with the three bureaus. For example, in many instances, the first indication someone has that they’re an identity theft victim is by checking their credit report and seeing negative or unfamiliar information. The sooner you can discover there’s an error or issue, the better. 

Get a Free Case Review

People are often surprised at how frequently errors are listed on their credit reports and how difficult it can be to remove them. It's frustrating, and you're prevented from doing many things financially until you resolve the situation.

If you need help stopping calls from Audit Systems Inc. or having them delete information from your credit report, our FCRA attorneys can help. We can help you clear up your credit, so you aren’t prevented from taking the next financial steps in your life. 

If you try to submit a dispute on your own without working with an attorney or you contact a debt collector directly, it can actually worsen the situation. Plus, you’re then having to deal with more stress that comes with contact with these companies. 

Instead, contact Fair Credit for a free case evaluation.

Ready to take action?

Don't let these companies get away with violating your rights and causing you financial & emotional distress.

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